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Welcome to the documentation of Faast, a cutting-edge Function as a Service (FaaS) server designed to maximize efficiency. Developed in the Rust programming language, known for its performance and safety, Faast embodies a remarkable blend of robustness and agility, essential in modern serverless architectures.

A unique aspect of Faast is its tailored execution environment. The system utilizes an initramfs and a bespoke Linux kernel, each constructed expressly for Faast's operational requirements. The initramfs contains a specialized SDK of the language in use (e.g., Node) and an agent that facilitates GRPC communication between the virtual machine and the API. In contrast, the Linux kernel operates with an initramfs and employs the newc compression format, optimizing the system's performance.

Through these meticulously engineered components and environments, Faast transcends conventional FaaS offerings, providing a high-performance, reliable, and extensible platform capable of meeting the demanding needs of contemporary serverless computing landscapes.


  • The utilization of a custom initramfs and Linux kernel, along with language-specific SDKs, ensures optimized performance and communication between the VM and the API.
  • Faast dynamically receives and executes function code via API without retaining the function, ensuring lightweight operation and real-time code execution.
  • Faast enables streamlined virtual machine launch and management, enhancing the efficiency of function execution.
  • Faast offers a robust and high-speed platform suitable for high-demand serverless computing scenarios.
  • The use of GRPC for communication between the VM and the API provides a modern, protocol-buffer based method for ensuring efficient, robust, and secure inter-component communication.


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE (opens in a new tab) for more information.


This project was initially developed by the Polytech DO teams (thanks to the help of Samuel Ortiz) in April 2023.

About the Project

For more information about the project, please visit our GitHub organization (opens in a new tab).