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User Guide
Building initramfs

Building initramfs



Lambdo uses custom initramfs built from Docker images. You can build it by yourself or use prebuilt one.

Lambdo initramfs structure

Lambdo initramfs contains at least 3 components:

  • init - init process which starts all other processes.
  • agent - agent process which is responsible for communication with Lambdo API.
  • config.yaml - configuration file which contains all necessary configuration for Lambdo agent (see Configuration documentation).
Initramfs components


Create an empty directory for initramfs:

mkdir initramfs

Clone lambdo repository:

git clone https://github.com/faast-rt/lambdo.git

Build Lambdo agent

Build Lambdo agent and move it to initramfs directory:

cd lambdo/agent
cargo build --release
cd ../..
mv lambdo/target/release/agent initramfs

Write init script

You can write your own script or use example one (must be named init):

#! /bin/sh
mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
ip link set up dev lo
exec /agent --config /config.yaml
poweroff -f

Your init script must have execution rights.


Your init script must start agent process to work with Lambdo.

Write configuration file

You can write your own configuration file or use example one (must be named config.yaml):

apiVersion: lambdo.io/v1alpha1
kind: AgentConfig
# Leave empty if you want to use default Lambdo API.
  remote_port: 50051
  local_port: 0

Build initramfs by yourself

Build initramfs tool and move it to initramfs directory:

cd lambdo/initramfs
cargo build --release
cd ../..
mv lambdo/target/release/initramfs initramfs

Run initramfs tool (replace node:20-alpine with the image of the language you want):

cd initramfs
./initramfs --image node:20-alpine

The image built here is stored at initramfs/initramfs-library-node-20-alpine.img.