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How it works ?

How it works ?

Lambdo Architecture

Lambdo is structured into three main components:

1. Initramfs CLI

The CLI is responsible for generating initial RAM file systems (initramfs) utilized by the virtual machines (VMs).

2. API

The API component consists of several parts:

  • HTTP Server: This server listens to user code execution requests, processing incoming requests, and forwarding them to the VM manager.

  • VM Manager: The VM manager maintains a record of all previously launched VMs and can initiate the creation of new VMs using "Lumper" if no VMs are currently available. Additionally, it includes a gRPC server that allows VMs to register themselves with the VM manager once they have started, as well as a gRPC client for sending code execution requests to available VMs.

3. Agent

The agent runs inside the VMs and is comprised of both a gRPC client and server. Within the agent, the runner engine takes care of tasks such as creating code files, executing code, and retrieving the output.

The VMs are launched using "Lumper" and are equipped with a Linux kernel built along with the previously generated initramfs.