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POST /run

POST /run

This section provides documentation for the POST /run API endpoint in Faast.

Request Body

The request body for the POST /run API endpoint should be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • language (String): The name of the programming language.

  • version (String): The version of the language runtime.

  • input (String): The input data for code execution (stdin).

  • code (Array of FileModel): An array of code files required for execution. Each FileModel object in the array should have the following fields:

    • filename (String): The name of the file.
    • content (String): The content of the file.

Here is an example request body for an API call that executes a Node.js program:

  "language": "NODE",
  "version": "12",
  "input": "",
  "code": [
      "filename": "main.js",
      "content": "console.log('Hello, World!');"

Response Body

The response body for the POST /run API endpoint represents the execution result. It is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • status (Integer): The exit status code of the code execution.
  • stdout (String): The standard output of the code execution.
  • stderr (String): The standard error output of the code execution.

Here is an example response body:

  "status": 0,
  "stdout": "Hello, World!\n",
  "stderr": ""